Keyword Prominence, Keyword Density, Keyword Proximity - A major on page Change

On Page Optimization is an important factor affecting search engine rankings. It consist of on-site changes , a change in terms of coding , structure and content of the website, which tells Google bot and similar search engine bots exactly what the site is all about. This is how you can make your website search engine friendly. Though in first instance it seems to be an easy task but definitely there is significant strategy involved. Yes strategies play an important role, it is all about strategies – without strategies you are going to achieve nothing. 
So looking to the fact, today I am going to discuss a particular strategy that can help you a lot when you are to build on page Strategy, A strategy regarding Keywords. Normally you might have come across the word Keyword density, keyword prominence and keyword proximity. Let me explain each in detail, so that you can build your on-site strategy more accurately.

Keyword Density: Let me not allobrate this topic, hope many of you might be aware of what keyword density is all about – It refers to the percentage of keywords that can be found in the indexable text on a web page. Though there are lot of tweaks about percentage of keyword density, but as per latest updates of Google a keyword used once or twice can very well come ahead of those who have maintained around 2 to 4 percentage of entire content. I personally believe we should try to give due importance to keyword variations rather than stick to old school ideas – we should maintain at least 2 to 4 %.

Regarding keyword density, I recommend:
- Keyword in the title
- Keyword in the description
- Keyword in the H1 tag
- A few variations of keywords sprinkled throughout the text, where it sounds natural and makes sense
Get ready, now I am going to reveal some important strategies which hope many of you might never come across. They are the keyword Prominence and Keyword proximity. 
Keyword Prominence: Keyword prominence refers to how relevant your keywords are within your web page. Let me make it more lucid, Keyword should be relevant to the title, h tags, Meta description and most importantly the keyword in the Url of the web page. Always make sure to place your most important keyword at the very beginning of the Title, Description, H1 Tag and Content of the page
Keyword Proximity: Keyword proximity refers to how close two or more keywords are to each other. You are more likely to appear ahead of your competitor if you place your keywords close together.
For example: If you want to rank your website for used Jeep Mahindra parts, your text should read like this: “Dev’s scrap yard carries the best used Jeep Cherokee parts! Save money on repairs today!”
Another suggestion: “Looking for Jeep Mahindra parts? Dev’s scrap yard carries used parts that will save you money on repairs.”
In both examples, you receive value because your keywords are in the text. However, with the first example, you will receive more value because your keywords are right next to each other.


  1. That's Great Info...on page and off page play very important role for optimizing web page..that's very useful info...

    Thanks for keep it.
    Affiliate Marketing

  2. These are really great tips. I believe that improving a website and applying proper on-page SEO should be done first before going and promoting it all over the web.

  3. Useful Article for SEO, but i think if you have valuable content, and write it with a user focus, then solid keyword density will come on its own.

  4. nice job dude...keep it up.want more details or new ideas if you have regarding this.

    Learn Search Engine Optimization Tips

  5. SEO always help for internet marketing and online marketing..SEo On page Contain very important for analysis web page
    these are:
    Keyword Research ( Add Best Keyword )
    Competitor Analysis
    Traffic Analysis
    Title Tag optimization
    Apply H1, H2, H3 tags

  6. It is the keyword that plays a major role in getting a high traffic to a site....


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