Unnatural Linking messages to Inbound Link control tool by Google
Google webmaster Tool is a free tool by Google for all webmaster to manage their websites in a better way and perform at Google Search. I doubt by the time there may be very few who is not aware of this wonderful tool. It helps you to get your website crawled by Google bots at the same time it even helps you to remove any of pages or entire website from Google Index. From impression to Clicks, Malware to not found page information of your website is at your finger tips with an access to this tool. Hmm, today we are here to look possibility of a most talked feature that is “control on inbound links to the website from Webmaster tool” well I hear the noise of Big Yes! From SEO Community! Why not inbound link is the stuff that seems not in our control and hope it plays a major role in deciding fate of a website at Google Search.
Recently Google Team has become too active and made whole SEO Community to remain active by making various changes in their algorithm and continuously pushing various updates, some of such big updates are Google Panda and Google Penguin. Situation seems becoming worse for webmasters who has received notification from Google of unnatural Linking. Many webmasters started removing those links whereas some has adopted a strategy of wait and watch. Well who will be the winner, is that those who has removed the links may achieve top most position or those who has adopted the strategy of wait and watch, Hope time will answer it! but yes Google has collected huge information about linking structure of various websites, they even have learnt features of various linking pattern as those that are in control of webmaster and those which appears to be out of control. I doubt this may be the strategy adopted by Google to combat web spam and by the way adjust the algorithm in such a way (by some inputs from those data collected from webmasters who earlier has received unnatural link structure to their webmaster account) which will enable only those websites to be placed at the top whose linking structure is very much near to one which Google bots considers to be of top quality.
If I am not wrong Google Panda and Google penguin is not the end but it is just a start to make the web more information rich and search results to be more user centric.
Nowadays I here lot of them complaining about Negative SEO against their company, it has become a big threat to Organic SEO Community. The threat may be in a form of low quality inbound links which came into existence once after Google has started forwarding unnatural link building messages to webmasters. This arose a need of a tool which will help webmasters to control those inbound links, infact even Google Engineer Matt Cutt in SMX Advanced Conference has confirmed possibility of such feature in a webmaster tool in a near future. We will discuss more of that stuff in a next coming post….
Useful tips! Thanks for share.